Bamboo Tissue

We are Bamboo Paper Suppliers

September 27, 2022
We are Bamboo Paper Suppliers

bamboo paper suppliers

As bamboo paper suppliers, our products are from bamboo pulp to jumbo rolls, from bamboo tissue paper to bamboo kraft paper.

we come from Sichuan province, the only one bamboo base in China.

we have great advantage on bamboo paper series.

if you are intrested in eco friend environmental paper, contact us for more details.

bamboo paper suppliers                
Bamboo pulp

bamboo paper suppliers                
bamboo pulp supplier

jumbo roll suppliers                
jumbo rolls suppliers                

jumbo rolls suppliers

bamboo tissue

Bamboo tiolet paper, kitchen towel, hand paper, napkins. OED ODM.bamboo toilet roll

   bamboo toilet paper

Bamboo kraft paper from 40 gsm to 400 gsm. Kraft paper and paper board. Food grade or non food grade. For bags, for bamboo packaging, for box etc.

bamboo packaging  bamboo kraft roll

We also supply kinds of paper pulp for making paper, molds, filter etc. From softwood pulp, hardwood pulp to dissolving pulp, cotton linters, and bagasse pulp.

paper pulp suppliers                
Dissolving pulp, cotton linters pulp

wood pulp suppliers                
wood pulp, hardwood pulp, softwood pulp

dissolving pulp suppliers                
bamboo pulp, bagasse pulp, sugarcane pulp

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  • Year Established
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  • Enterprise Legal Person
  • Total Employees
  • Annual Output Value
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